Belly Dancing into Body Love, Confidence and Prosperity
In a world that constantly bombards us with expectations related to our physical appearance, today we’re combatting body shaming! Our guest, Lisa Zahiya, joins us to share her story of going from a corporate marketer to a professional belly dancer, ultimately establishing her own successful belly dancing studio to now being a business coach. Lisa sheds light on the crucial topic of how negative messaging and beliefs in the world around us, both IRL and virtually, impact our body image and ways to embrace the parts of our bodies that need the most love. In this episode, Nikki and Lisa discuss coming back to your childhood passions, setting healthy online boundaries, leaning into the power of the feminine, giving yourself permission to take up space, and reclaiming your relationship with the vessel that will be with you until the end.
[2:20] episode intro
[4:45] Lisa’s cliff notes version of her story
[9:00] Lisa’s “other” story
[14:30] Lisa’s story of feeling seen
[19:30] navigating playing small and taking up space
[33:00] choosing belly dancing as a path
[37:30] body movement as healing
[46:15] interacting with internet comments + showing up online
[56:45] COVID reflections and lessons
[58:30] stay in touch with Lisa
[1:00:27] closing thoughts
Lisa’s links:
Checkbox Other episode: Radically Authentic Public Speaking with Eduardo Placer
Instagram: Jonathan van Ness + Noor on wearing a hijab and explaining yourself
“I always say before I perform or before I speak, please allow me to do what these people need today. It's the release of my ego, and to me that's fully being seen because I have decided I elect, and maybe I'm realizing this right now, to not actually worry about being fully seen because of that lens”. –Lisa
“I would say performing, teaching and speaking, I feel fully seen because I am in my fullest expression. It's because I'm allowing them to see that, not because of what they're seeing.” –Lisa
“ I realized at some point that a desire to make my body smaller was making me smaller in expression” –Lisa
“The permission we give ourselves to actually love our bodies is, I feel like so revolutionary on so many levels. It's dismantling so many systems of oppression.” –Nikki
“I just feel like there's so much that is powerful about the choice and the honoring and the removing of judgment.” –Nikki
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I’ve never been one to be put in a category or fit under one label so here are a few descriptors I identify with: Connector. Empath. Inclusion Advocate. Creator of Safe Spaces in the Gray Area. Women’s Leadership Coach. Hype Woman. Story Fiend. Lover of Conversation. Former Corporate Marketer.