Your voice and preferences matter to us.
We’d love to hear your thoughts as we cross our “t”s and dot our “i”s on the final logistics for the experience.

You are now in the driver’s seat. Even if it may not feel like it.

Let’s use this hurdle as an opportunity to catapult you further into your own personal success. And don’t worry, you are exactly where you need to be to get started!

Here’s a quick reminder of what to expect in this 3-month experience…



Hi 👋🏽 I’m Nikki

I’m a career coach, speaker, humanity activist and social entrepreneur focused on women’s leadership, the millennial workplace experience and diversity, equity & inclusion. I’m here to help you navigate the complexities of modern career planning.

I’ve had the pleasure of working with Wayfair folks as coaching clients, workshop participants and even as past colleagues.

I spent over a decade in the business world focused on brand strategy, major initiative launches and storytelling for highly esteemed organizations. After years of striving to be the model corporate employee and “succeeding”, I found myself crying in the bathroom stall at work and knew it was time to make a change.

I sought to find a path forward where I didn’t have to sacrifice who I am in order to have a career. As I did, I realized it wasn’t just a “me” experience, so many of fellow “professionals” were going through the same false binary. Good news is, you don’t have to choose, you can most definitely have both! Let’s connect and chart that path forward.



If you’re nosy like me, here’s a little more about me and my approach…



✨ You made it to this spot on the internet for a reason ✨

If you’re hesitant, that’s understandable, you’ve been going through a lot recently! I encourage you to come to this experience wherever you are in your journey and we’re here to support you.

Still have questions? Or prefer to work with me privately instead?
We’ve got you, email us at